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New Release: Van Annunaki tot Illuminati - van slaaf to slaaf


I am extremely happy with my latest book, my 11th book, called: “From Anunnaki to Illuminati, subtitle: From Slave to Slave”. It is a culmination of my experiences in France, at Rennes-le-Chateau where I lived for several years. Meeting Mary Magdalene, the Cathars, UFO’s, the Bugarach mountain, secret societies and especially ORB’s. Those mysterious light bulbs really triggered me to write this book.

It has been quite a voyage from beginning to end. It took me over two years. I read many books, spoke to lots of people and got many spiritual insights. We are living in a special time, a time that was predicted. Many of us choose to live in this time and help with the necessary transformations. So much is happening now. Mother Earth is ascending to a higher dimension and we must follow. It is not easy, but we have no choice. Secret societies like the Illuminati, Satanists and others are ruining our world. High technologies are enslaving us. Natural disasters are threatening our lives. And extraterrestrials are closely watching us.

We must wake up and realise what is happening. And we must act. It is a time of hope and fear, but also of love and light. A time to live and to enjoy our lives. A time to unite as humanity.

This book covers hundreds of topics from the creation of  homo sapiens, to the Great Cosmic plan.

The book is in Dutch and is published by Aspekt in Soesterberg. It is for sale in many stores and sites, such as bol.com. We are looking at optionally publishing it in hardcover and as eBook, as well as translating it in English. I want to thank all involved in this journey and hope you will enjoy reading this special book.

There is an alternative history of life on this planet. Jaap Rameijer, known for his revelations around the Rennes le Chateau and Glastonburry, sketches the reader the secrets of the Annunaki and the Illuminati. He shows how our early history had a slavery past, in which gold had to be mined for the gods. It was an era of high technology, of old gods and new gods, of very old civilizations and their impressive structures, of the clay tablets, the Bible and other religious writings and of the many disasters that struck earth. Mankind lives and lived among secret societies with their hidden agendas. Lucifer and the Satanists made their ascent, as did Ufo's, Orb's and Crop circles from the Sprit World. Courageous writers rang the bell and tried to warn humanity, while alien civilizations carefully observe us.
This is a revealing book, in which the author formulates a provisional synthesis from the many uncertainties. A speculative book, but in that sense a sharpening one for the mind and ahead of its time. Intended to wake us up and make us aware of the dangers that threaten the earth. But Rameijer also wrote a book full of hope, with beautiful stories and good advice. A book of Light and Love. In which we finally get a better view of the Great Cosmic Plan, the Cosmic Experiment we are now part of and the role we have to play in it. Everything under supervision of the Galactic Council.
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