The many sacred places like menhirs, dolmens, Black Virgin sites, capitelles, churches, basilicas and abbeys. The initiation caves of the Cathars. Their castles like the Montsegur, Peyrepertuse, Queribus, Puilaurens and Lastours. I like to introduce people in the mysteries of this place. Varying from a temple of Lemuria and an outpost of Atlantis to UFO bases and UFO sightings. From the Arc of the Covenant, the Menorah and the Holy Grail to sacred mountains, Cathar caves and Templar strongholds. Tell about the hidden treasures of the Visigoths, Merovingian's, Cathars and Templars. And the life and teachings of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene and of their love and their bloodline. Show the sacred geometry of the area. Tell about the many, powerful secret societies.