I took more then 5.000 pictures of other sacred places. Places which I recently visited, like Palenque in Mexico, Machu Picchu in Peru, various places in Egypt, Jordan and Israel and of course Glastonbury. The pictures are all 2,5 MB or more and can be used for different purposes. They can be printed in any size, or used for illustrating books, magazines or other publications. For a fee of course. For the moment I have made 5 categories. Les Labadous, our beautiful domaine along the River of Colours, Rennes-le-Château, with its church, its anomalies, its statues and strange buildings, beautiful pictures of Mary Magdalene and the Black Virgins in France, the magnificent castles and awesome initiation caves of the Cathars and finally an incredible collection of ORB's and other strange light phenomena.
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13.5 Dove of Minerve.JPG
http://jaap-adventures.com/images/stories/GalCathar/13.5 Dove of Minerve.JPG
De Eglise grot_2.JPG
http://jaap-adventures.com/images/stories/GalCathar/De Eglise grot_2.JPG
The Montsegur from the east.jpg
http://jaap-adventures.com/images/stories/GalCathar/The Montsegur from the east.jpg
Chateau Puivert_2_2.JPG
http://jaap-adventures.com/images/stories/GalCathar/Chateau Puivert_2_2.JPG