Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

Beste Jaap,
Ik heb nogmaals jouw laatste 2 nieuwsbrieven gelezen en bekeken. Wat een fantastische avonturen beleef je telkens weer daar in jullie omgeving. De foto's zijn verpletterend, vooral o.a. de luchten zijn fantastisch. Hartelijk dank voor het vele werk wat je er steeds weer in steekt. Het is inmiddels al weer 2,5 jaar geleden dat ik bij jullie in "les Labadous" ben geweest en ik hoop nog steeds op een hernieuwde kennismaking in de toekomst, maar ja je weet dat het inkomen van een gepensioneerde laat nogal te wensen over, dus nog maar even wachten. Hartelijke groeten en nogmaals dank,
Leo van Dam
Date of Posting: 04 November 2014
Posted By: Leo van Dam
Gilze (NBr)
Jamie op zijn wolk in een run uitgelezen. Leest zeer makkelijk, maar vooral de 'info erachter - tussen/achter de regels energie/gevoel' die opkomt bij mij tijdens het lezen, vind ik bijzonder. Raakt mij diep.
Gezien het eind van het boek, heb ik zomaar het vermoeden dat er nog een vervolg komt...... ;)

Dank Jaap!

Liefs, Francis.
Date of Posting: 14 June 2013
Posted By: Francisca Koopmans
Neurotherpeut Praktijk Brainbalance, Malden., Nederland
JAMIE ON HIS CLOUD by Jaap Rameijer is an utterly unique story of the reincarnation of a gentle boy spirit into first century southern France. His experiences are both tragic and delightful, including a friendship with Mary Magdalene. A genuine spiritual fantasy, the book teaches the purposefulness of human life. (CHILDREN'S CATEGORY although suitable for all ages.)
Date of Posting: 05 June 2013
Posted By: Nigel Peace
Publisher, UK
Know the Man

Last year at Easter I was doing a book-signing at Rennes-le-Château and it was pouring with rain.

A tall, well-made man with a charming smile bought a copy of the book and gave me his card. "Writer and researcher," it said.

But that's what I am too, so we were two writers and researchers together. I was interested in what he did, so later e-mailed him.

Since then Jaap and I have often gone researching together. As he has lived in this area for many years, I had a job to find places where he hasn't been before, but I was quite successful with Quintillan, where there is a delightful Mary Magdalene church, and Fitou, where it is possible Mary Magdalene and Jesus arrived in France.

Our approaches to Mary Magdalene are quite different - mine historical, his spiritual - and sometimes we argue about this! His home, Les Labadous, is undoubtedly linked to Mary Magdalene; she is his Goddess.

Jaap is very masculine, sometimes dominant, but with great charm. Women fall at his feet and he adores them in return. His emotional heart is set on male/female relationship coaching to help men and women get along better. The two sexes don't understand each other, he says, and with a few adjustments relationships can be improved and lives become stress-free.

He is born under Taurus but with many planets in Aries. He has a world-view always positive and full of hope; he is like the "Fool" in the Tarot deck, enthusiastically stepping off the cliff into new pastures and ventures, with an open heart. Thus, he is always busy but always with time to discuss new ideas.

If this is over lunch, with several courses and two colours of wine, ideas flow thick and fast and it is as much as one can do to get home in time for tea!
Date of Posting: 01 May 2011
Posted By: Val Wineyard
Professional writer and editor

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