Explain Communication - All the columns are based on practical situations. Every day situations. Where we experience things that are totally beyond our comprehension. Wonderful things, but more often than not painful things. Things that can badly hurt our relationship and cause anger, frustrations, separations, fights and divorces.
And it is not necessary. For men and women are “made” for each other. They just have different qualities. They think differently, their brains are wired differently, their hormones work in a different way, they feel different and they communicate different. But the fact that they are different doesn’t mean that something is wrong with them, or more likely, in their view, with us, it just means that we are different. Not only physical, which we know and appreciate very much, but also psychological.
And all we have to do is to recognize these differences, respect them and respond in the proper way. This is not always easy, I know, I have been in many of those situations and it is not easy to stay calm. But if you know what is going on and how to respond, you will “survive”. And more. You will benefit greatly from this friendly attitude.
I had quite a few relationships and experienced many, many “misunderstandings”. But I am a curious person. I always want to know ”why”. I am very much interested in why people behave like they do. So I analysed all those situations. And Explain Communication, asking them why they did what they did and said what they said. And I read many books. And I started to do a lot of coaching. And it worked.
Now I am slowly beginning to understand why women act, and react, like they do. And how to recognize the signs, as a man. And how to respond, as a man. For I am writing these columns for men. To help them keep their relationship alive. To make them laugh. To improve their quality of life. To make them feel proud that they are men. To make them understand why women do things we normally don’t understand. To ease their pain. And to advise them.
So if you want me to write a column for your magazine, or maybe even be your columnist, please let me know. Tell me on what subject to write. Or how to evaluate certain situations. And what advise to give. I will be happy to help.