The secret messages of Rennes-le-Château. Focussing on the famous “million dollar priest” Berenger Sauniere, who stayed in Rennes-le-Château from 1885 until his death in 1917. What did he find? What clues were left by his predecessor Antoine Bigou, who fled to Spain after the French Revolution. What was the secret of the Hautpoul family? What documents were found in the church of Mary Magdalene? Why the gift from the countess of Chambord. Who was the man who pulled the strings? Where did Sauniere get his money? Treasures, hush-money, secret societies, saying masses, the Bourbon and Habsburg families, religious artefacts, genealogies, secret documents.
What clues did he leave in his church, containing no less than 96 anomalies of what is “normal” in a catholic church in the South of France. Why is everything pointing to Mary Magdalene? Where did he go? And what are the most likely theories. For we still don’t know what his secret is.
Who were the Cathars. Where did their “religion” spring from?
Gnostic Christianity or even older, maybe Egyptian. What did they believe? And what did they not belief. What did they not accept from the bible and from Rome?
Why was Rome so scared of them? What efforts were made to bring them back to the “true” faith? The Albigensian crusade and its atrocities. In Beziers, Carcassonne, Lavaur, Bram and Minerve.
The position of the count of Toulouse. And the French king. The siege of the Montsegur. The four perfects that escaped. What treasure did they carry? And the burning of 230 Cathars in 1244. The Papal inquisition and its horrible work.
And now, the revival of the Cathar faith. The museums. The Cathar castles and the initiation caves. The museums. And the Pays Cathare, with “Cathar” now fast becoming a successful brand name.
Mary Magdalene
Who was Mary Magdalene? Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Were they married? Did they have children, the desposyni? What happened after the crucifixion? Her flight to France. Where did she land? Where did she live, where did she preach and where did she baptise people? Where is she buried?
The most important places where she is remembered. In St-Maximin-la-Ste-Baume, in Vezelay or in Rennes-le-Château.
Her brother in law, Joseph of Arimathea.
The blackening of her image by the Church.
Her relationship to the Cathars and the Knights Templar. The many Black Madonna’s in France. The most famous scenes. Special churches, basilicas, chapels and caves. Her love for Jesus.
Her “resurrection” in our time. Mary Magdalene as role model for sacred femininity. A pilgrimage through France, the Second Holy Country. And a message for the Church.
What are Orbs? The history of Orbs. The different kinds of Orbs. Bright white, multicoloured, shooters, clouds. Other strange light phenomena, like streaks, waves, UFO’s, ghosts and angels.
Is there an evolution going on? Where do they appear? And when do they appear? Are the Orbs intelligent? Other light phenomena, like photographing into the light, reflections of dust, rain and snow. Is it the camera? Do only cheap digital cameras with built-in flash catch Orbs?
Photographic effects and how to distinguish real Orbs from false Orbs or simulated Orbs. What are the arguments between the believers and the non-believers?
The high tech world of nanotechnology, electrons, photons and quantum physics.
The Spirit world of Light Beings, past humans, angels, guides and other dimensions. Is it the camera, the location or the person? What do Orbs do? And what is their message? The coming together of the High tech World and the Spirit World. Are they the same? Are the Orbs here as a waking up call.
And what will the future hold for Orbs?