Jaap Rameijer's Blog

My adventures in Writing, Photographing, Guiding, Coaching, Tours, Events and other items that interest me. I invite you to subscribe to my blogs, so you can be notified by email when I post new items. Enjoy!

Jaap Adventures is pleased to announce its intent for opening its presence on the web for those that have similar aspirations in terms of interests, art and publication in context of your own experience.

People of all ages, backgrounds, origins, gender, color etc who are willing to contribute and are kindred to the sake of Simplicity in...

Jaap Adventures is pleased to announce its intent for opening its presence on the web for those that have similar aspirations in terms of interests, art and publication in context of your own experience.

People of all ages, backgrounds, origins, gender, color etc who are willing to contribute and are kindred to the sake of Simplicity in whatever context; art, writing, poetry, architecture or philosophy, photography, however no exclusions are intended. ·

Naturally submissions will be handled by our digression. We have various programs for Featuring and depending on your needs we determine an appropriate "fee" and durations for the feature, we offer similar feature for an Event you want to publish.

For more information click here.


Recensie Guido Jonker on Wanttoknow.nl for Van Annunaki tot Illuminati


Als een hedendaagse Erich von Dániken, die met zijn boeken miljoenen en miljoenen mensen deed ‘ontwaken’, schreef Jaap Rameijer eenzelfde soort boek. Het is getiteld ‘Van Annunaki tot Illuminati’ met als ondertitel ‘van slaaf tot slaaf’..

Als weldenkend mens vooral bezig zijn verbazing te delen over ons menselijke bewust-Zijn..!

Het boek heeft inmiddels het levenslicht gezien en is onlangs van de persen gerold. Wij geven het boek met liefde aandacht die het verdient. Want het is in onze ogen een juweeltje geworden. Een boek dat van de hak op de tak LIJKT te springen, maar continue, als een trolleybus, de rode draad van het hoofdthema blijft volgen.

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Latest Books by Val Wineyard

Latest Books by Val Wineyard

Wonderful books I recommend by my friend Val Wineyard.

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Easter Morning ~ Val Wineyard

Val Wineyard, a close friend of mine and professional writer. This article is an extract from the book by Val Wineyard, "Mary, Jesus and the Charismatic Priest."  For details click here


Then the court proceedings were interrupted by Claudia Procula, the wife of Pontius Pilate with her plea for Jesus.

    Pilate decided to solve the problem and save Jesus by letting one prisoner go, being sure they would choose Jesus as there was no evidence against him.  Here he made a great error of judgement but he was “twitchy” - he had only 6,000 soldiers to keep the peace over 250,000 Jews.  A mob had gathered outside the courtroom and the Sabbath was the next day, the first day of a week-long holiday when no Jews would work.  The Jews cried for Barabbus to be released.

    Pontius did not want another protest or uprising on his hands.  He took an immense risk in offering to release Jesus, for it would have left him open himself to a charge of treason, but he tried. Everyone in the Roman world was twitchy about the emperor, mad, paranoic Tiberius who had power of immediate life-or-death over all of them.


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The Secrets of Saunière ~ Val Wineyard

By Writer Val Wineyard, a close friend of mine and professional writer. 



Mary Magdalene meditating with the aid of a candle and a skull;  the freemasons also meditate on life, death and mortality with a candle, a skull, and sometimes with crossed bonesThe priest at Rennes-le-Château had many secrets but for a long time people thought he had only one - what was the treasure he discovered?


It all began for the French in the early 50's, when the newly-opened restaurant in Rennes-le-Château attracted its customers with stories of Blanche of Castille, who hid the ransom, to release her son the king from captivity, in the region near Rennes.  It was easy to confuse people with this tale for there were two Blanches; the mother of Saint Louis and the other Blanche who stayed at Rennes-les-Bains for a while to take a cure, around 1362.  The town was named after her.

Articles with immense estimations of the value of Bérenger Saunière's treasure appeared in local and national newspapers.  A young man called Pierre Plantard, on holiday with his family in Rennes-les-Bains, founded "The Priory of Sion", a secret society which proclaimed the secret was the survival today of the Merovingian bloodline - descended from Jesus himself!  It was not a hoax exactly, more an entertaining fantasy game.


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Featuring Writer ~ Val Wineyard

Val Wineyard has worked all her life as a freelance writer and editor; meanwhile she moved to the south of France in 1995 where she started writing books.  Titles include;  "Mysterious France,"  "Life and Past Lives in Languedoc," "The Visigothic Inheritance", "Mary Jesus and the Charismatic Priest" and her latest;  "Looking for Mary M - The Mary Magdalene Research Kit."

Val's research is unusual in that she has studied French sources and so her books contain much information not included in the others.  She is a member of "L'Association Via Aquitana" and "Société d'Études Scientifique de l'Aude."

Val's "Carnet intime". as the French say;  she adores this region of France, the incredible emotional and spiritual richness of this our land of Occitania.  She is red-haired and brown eyed.  She is a socialist (all for one and one for all) and detests affectation.  She lives alone but surrounded by friends, and has never been so happy, in all her life in rainy England, as she is now since she came to live here in the land of passion and sunshine.

My Latest Book ~ Looking for Mary M ~ The Mary Magdalene Research Kit


Testimonial by Jaap Rameijer

"This is more than a research kit.  It is a beauty.  A very special book.  What you have written here is, there is no other word for it, "great stuff."  A wonderful book, based on good, solid research.  And on true empathy.  You have an amazing feeling for what people would have thought and said and done in those years and in those particular circumstances.  It is a book written with a lovely dry send of humour.  And full of new information, some of it mind boggling information.  Presented in a gentle and relaxed way.  A priceless book for all who love Mary Magdalene."

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