Jaap Rameijer's Blog

My adventures in Writing, Photographing, Guiding, Coaching, Tours, Events and other items that interest me. I invite you to subscribe to my blogs, so you can be notified by email when I post new items. Enjoy!

SAMPLER: Mary Magdalene in France

SAMPLER: Mary Magdalene in France

I have decided to share with you some of my second edition of Mary Magdalene in France. The sample contains a few pages of all chapters. Do realize that the book is 195 pages, in order to see the complete book, order it in my shop or on Amazon. you can view the sampler in full screen mode and you can also enlarge sections.  With love and enjoy! ~ Jaap

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Les Roches de Bretagne

Les Roches de Bretagne

Or the rocks of Brittany. The menhirs and standing stones of this beautiful, ancient land. There is even a book describing most of these stones, called “Au Pays des Megaliths.”

Let us start with one of my favorites. It’s called ‘La Roche aux Fées. The largest dolmen in France, so they say. Huge, magnificent, impressive. Surrounded by chestnut trees. Maybe it was in the past covered with land and grass like Newgrainge in Ireland. We don’t know. Then we drove to our B & B located in the magic forest of Broceliande.

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NEW EDITION: Mary Magdalene in France

NEW EDITION: Mary Magdalene in France

Mary Magdalene in France, SECOND EDITION is available as Ebook (pdf) and Paperback on Amazon. I am happy with the new edition and with all my gratitude to Tina Witte Harzell, who so helped me in editing the book. Enjoy!

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News October 2014

News October 2014

As you can see I am back home again. Having some time to write. This will probably be the last newsletter of 2014. But then you just had four of them in a row.

This is about our trip to Bretagne. Where Franklin had to attend a seminar by Annie Sloan. The woman who is selling that wonderful, biological, magical paint all over the world, including in Joke’s and Franklin’s shop ‘Renaissance’ in Quillan.

It was good to travel together. For it was over 900 kilometers. And during the time that Franklin was studying paint, I was studying churches, cathedrals, Black Madonna’s, Notre Dame’s, magic places, menhirs and dolmens. You could say it was a MM & MM trip, a Mary Magdalene and Megalith Menhirs trip. So dear friends, please enjoy!

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Latest Books by Val Wineyard

Latest Books by Val Wineyard

Wonderful books I recommend by my friend Val Wineyard.

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